Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The roommate
My loving Grandma
Kevins Embrace....Josh??? Christmas Eve.
Moravian Star. YAY!!!
Pepaw and Memaw.....and K-K
Young K-K
Young Ryan
Easter band in Salem Square, Old Salem.
Mommy and Daddy. Love you guys!!!!!
Grandpa Tim
Cousin Joey and son Ryder
Grandma Gwin.
Mom at the Mall in Alabama.
Adams Wedding.
Mom and Dad playing Skee-ball at Myrtle Beach.
Mike, Ann and I o a secret mission.
Little brothers. Miss ya guys.
M-STAFF!!!!! great times. the last real Staff picture!

Dear readers, Just thought I would thank you all for your thoughts and prayers since Morgan and I have begun our ministry here in Puerto Limon Costa Rica. We are truly amazed at how well things have leveled out since our incident. Although we are not totally back to where we were, we are optimistic. Our second semester is proving to be filled with students that are eager to learn, more punctual, and though we have less numbers we hope this serves as the true beginning of Escuela de Muisca y el Banza (school of music and adoration.) We feel this so because once your current students take it seriously then the ones that come after will have a prerequisite of seriousness. Although we have been slightly discouraged by the lack of some communication, we are keeping our focal point on God and Music. Sometimes we feel as if it's just the two of us and God. While awaiting to here from the United States we have been (along with teaching) providing music for a few special love feast and Sunday morning services which have really proved that we are touching the community in a way that is bigger than the two of us, through our gift of music. Throughout our mission here we have devoted time to our music as well as the cultivation of musical gifts from the people in the churches here in Limon. In our downtime we read, watch movies on my laptop, and now we have cable so we can watch CNN and a few other English channels. But most of all we have time; time to converse with God, time to practice our instruments, time to learn, as well as time to think. As I said in a previous post:

“….I often wish I could just fill a tank with the memories which I am so fond of, and just swim in the ones I love just to try to forget the ones I never wanted in the first place. But I guess knowing the difference between the two is what gives us hope in times of despair. Know that though I am so far away ya’ll are keeping me afloat whether you know it or not…..”

Sep 10th 2008

That being said….I think a lot on my recent days at Western Carolina University and the friends that are still there. I reverie the days I spent at Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp, Conference, and Retreat Center and the friends I have met there. I am very much looking forward to my next stay on the Mountain. I also think about my family and friends back in Winston-Salem and close proximity. I often dive into my hard drive and reminisce on the faces and places lost in the photos of the years gone by. But these pictures let me know how good it can be, and so I look forward to coming back on November the 19th 2008 for The App vs. Western game, Thanksgiving, and a Mission summit in Wisconsin. Then my return home May 6th 2008. Until then I will continue to view the photos and remember the past, take pictures and live in the present, and look forward to the future Kodak moments waiting to be had.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

(336)793-0014 My Skype Number

Dear Readers, Since our delightful trip to Bocas del Toro we have been busy with preparation for the second semester. Although on Monday night of last week Cherri (Our registrar) told us that we only had one new person register which was a guy from Honduras. This new information made us feel as if we have been unsuccessful. Once conducting the mandatory meeting for all students on Wednesday night we found ourselves surrounded by twenty or so people. This was reassuring that not all was lost. Friday night was our first real day of classes, which for me was great because many of the students were getting the information on the first night. Although two of them took Morgan’s class last semester, but did not feel comfortable moving on. Plus four others who seemed to be following along quit well. I asked how devoted they were to learning music with the question "how much time are you willing to spend on homework?" They all said about an hour or slightly more. This was overwhelming because I was expecting them to say thirty minutes or less. Friday was a great affirmation in my discerning the call of God to this place. Saturday morning we had the children. We decided to gear this semester around Christmas and Christmas music, so the Children and some of the adults are going to put on a Christmas play. The one and the only, original "Christmas Story." So over the rest of the weekend and Monday we worked on picking out music and assigning parts. I also took this time to design and create worksheets for my adult theory classes as well as do a large load of laundry (by hand, always fun.) Tomorrow we will head into town and make copies of all the worksheets and papers for class. As well as prepare ourselves for the next week of class. Just a note. I often find myself thinking and dreaming of the few days I will get to spend in North Carolina over the course of the Thanksgiving holiday. I can’t wait to be around my family and friends once again. I love and Miss you ALL!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Morgan Lauren Gen Roman
Dear Friends, Well, I guess I’ll start where I left off on the last post. We were just about to leave to board the boat from Bocas to Changanola. Once I had posted my blog I headed for the boat dock with Morgan by my side, or me by hers….we can never figure it out. Anyways once we were on the packed to the max boat taxi I introduced myself to the young women next to me and continued to make conversation with her because she intrigued me. Her name was Lauren and her male companion was a Chinese guy by the name of Gen. Both where from the greater Boston area. They both have worked at their local YMCA summer camp for the past several years which was one of the coolest things about them. Which if you don’t know me well, I have worked at Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp, Conference, and Retreat Center (you should look it up if you don’t know it) for the past three summers. I have worked as regular staff, co-manager, and program coordinator which is what Gen has served as for the past couple of years at his camp. As well as working to get the camps ACA accreditation material in order for incorporating all the new standards before re-inspection. This same ACA stuff is what I worked on during my summer as program coordinator, which was the summer we were accredited. Small world that two camp people from Boston would find two camp people from North Carolina in Panama!!! After an amazing boat ride through the smaller but beautiful canals getting to Changanola, and after more conversation with the two young travelers we found out that they would be passing right through Limon. We told them that they could just hang with us until they get to Limon. So after our boat docked in what looked like a swamp full of water plants that looked like hippo ears with purple flowers coming out of some of them, we proceeded to a van taxi. The four of us along with another American, who has been traveling for the past seven months just trying his hand at spending money I guess, and five other passengers made our way from the dock to the boarder at Sixaola. Once we were there we stood in line for about thirty minutes behind many other foreigners just to get our passports stamped. Yay…now I’m good for another 90 days. After getting the stamp we proceeded across the spotty bridge that connected Panama to Sixaola. This bridge used to be a train bridge, but the train has not run for a longtime. So some bright person decided to throw some (2’ x 6’ x 12’)s down on the ties to make it passable for semi-trucks. Trust me it does not look very safe…even though the trucks make it across just fine. On the other side we waited for the bus to arrive by getting a nice, cool and refreshing COCA-COLA. Man it was good!!!!! While we were waiting Morgan noticed a young black guy making eyes at us which made her very nervous. We sat in nervous waiting for only about five minutes before the bus finally came. Once we crossed into the boarder we realized that Lauren and Gem had no Colones, which is the form of currency they use here in Costa Rica. So we happily helped them and assured them that we would help them along. With all the time we spent waiting to get our Passport stamped with a new Visa, and waiting for the taxi and the bus, we realized that there was very little chance that our two newfound friends would make it to Tortugero by nightfall. If you don’t know, it is no fun traveling in the dark. Nor is it very safe. So we told them about the few nice places that we knew about here in Limon…then realizing that we have an extra room with an unoccupied full sized bed in it to which we then offered it to them for free. Of course….who does not like free???? They were very thankful to have met such a nice pair of missionaries along their journey. Once back in Limon we went and dropped off our large tourist backpacks at our house. We then went into town to grab a bite to eat. There is only one place in Limon where American can get a taste of home, Pizza Hut. After we told Lauren and Gem that we had a Pizza Hut there were no other options. Once the bill came Gem just laid down his card and paid for everyone’s meal. Then they said “it is the least we can do. Ya’ll have been so amazing” or something like that….so after we were finished stuffing our faces we made our way to use the pool at MaribuCaribe. After swinging by the house to get the laptop we got to Maribu and spent no time before jumping right in the chilly water that gave a welcomed shiver down my back because we had been traveling all day in hot weather. After letting them check their e-mail and letting them call home on our skype phone we just chilled. Morgan and Lauren chatted as Gem and I talked for about an hour and a half. This was a much welcomed talk with someone of the same sex. There are just things that you can say hanging out with the guys, that you should not say in front of the ladies. After heading back to the house and getting something of a good night’s sleep, we woke up at 8:30am and headed down to Limon center so that Lauren and Gem could get some Costa Rican money from the ATM. Then it was over to the bus terminal to see our Journey made friends off to their next destination. We gave them out e-mail and blog addresses, as well as directions back to our house if they should happen to need a place to come back to. I pray that God keep them safe on the rest of their trip!!! Since then we have cashed our checks and paid off our fridge and stove as well as bought some groceries and decided that we need to buy a TV and get cable by next week so that we can keep up with America and the Election, as well as the turmoil our country is currently facing. Below this post are some of the pictures from our most recent adventure to Bocas Del Toro. Hope you all enjoy. May the Peace of Christ be with all of you my Brothers and Sisters!
Well...this is sadly the only picture I currently have of the chipmunk...sorry guys I will try to take more once I have my new Camera

This is one of the many hotels in Bocas del Toro, many of which are on the water.

Dolphins in Dolphin bay

A Great picture....lol

Me trying my fin at snorkeling.

I saw jelly fish, sand sharks, and large angle fish. It was amazing

The resturant on the water. You can only get to it by boat.


No caption needed.

Life on Red Frog Beach

Beach of the Thieves.

Walking through the Jungle to get back to the Boat from Red Frog Beach

Bocas del Drago...look at the boat in the background. Nice!

Chilling in the Hammock.

Morgan and I walking through the jungle

Our New Kitten. George Michael.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Second day in Bocas

Hello------------------------------Well, after waking on the second day here in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. We ate a small breakfast then continued back to our hotel where there was a taxi waiting to take us to our destination of the day, Boca Del Drago (plya = beach.) Our forty minute taxi ride was a little unsettling because the guy did not speak any English and we were told we were going to a beach. This one lane, mostly dirt, road was very bumpy and did not show many signs that we were heading to a beach. The thoughts that crossed my mind during the trip was (the movie hostel) that he could be taking us anywhere, but I was just paranoid. We eventually arrived at the beach where Morgan and I were the only two tourist there. It was very secluded and away from the other hustle and bustle of the island. We got a chance to relax in the hammocks and enjoy the views. Once a boat showed up with more tourist we bummed two snorkel sets off the boat driver for $3.00. While snorkeling we saw a Small stingray as well as many colorful fish, in the meantime a handful of tourist arrived which keep the only restaurant steady as well as a few purchasers at the only gift hut. We asked the taxi driver to come back to the beach at 2:00pm to pick us up and to where we made our way back to the hotel for showers and power naps. This nap proved to be uncomfortable as I had gotten some sun on the previous day and the air condition was cut off for the afternoon (only works in the evenings.) After waking we went to a local restaurant right on the water and had a Mexican burger...Mmmmmm good. As we sat there eating a Storm started to roll in and we could see its every move which was amazing. I love thunder storms. Once again getting back to the hotel be proceeded to turn the TV back on which has stayed on CNN the entire duration of our trip. ---------------------------We got the chance to watch Sarah Palin and Joe Biden square off at Washington University. I believe that being in a different country at this critical point in American history gives us an many advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of not being able to vote our mind because to have an absentee ballet outside the US has been said is too much paperwork, and would prove frivolous. As well as not being in the country if something were to happen to the AIR industry (financial) and them not being able to provide services because of the financial binds to which every American is feeling. One more disadvantage is that we see how the American economy effects the worlds economy through the Latin American countries as well as having to deal with the fact that we are Americans living abroad during these astronomical changes in our World and Government as we know/knew it. The few advantages we have is that we do get the outsider view, having this view and then coming back to the United States of America I will know how important it is to be financially secure and live within my means. After a year of living here for the Lord, he has shown me that I can get by with very little, everything else was just wants and desires that in the grand schema of things are NOT necessity, yet temptations to go further into debt. Also an advantage of being here is that I know how much I will make this year and that will not change based on what Washington does. Though very little it may be, I get by and know that I will be OK until August 2009. One more pro from being here is that I will have a world view that our Republican VP pick may not have. Well with what ever happens in the United States while we are gone I hope that It will bring back the Pride and the feelings that we once felt in America. In the past decade I feel that in the Phrase ¨Proud to be an American¨, ¨American¨ has been gone down in value just like the value of the dollar. If we as a country can regain what it means to be a free country and give more power to the people then the value of ¨being an American¨will grow as well as our since of pride, maybe even the value of the dollar as well. ------------------------Moving on from this....we are about to board a boat to Changinola to which we will then go to the boarder of Costa Rica @ Sixaola. Then take a MEP bus which will take us right into Limon Center. After that we plan on picking up a few groceries and then heading back to the ¨Hatch¨(see LOST second season). Hopefully we will be able to make it to MaribuCaribe for some Internet on Monday or Tuesday (or Both). That is when I will be able to post some of the Glamor Shots that we have taken on our expedition to Bocas del Toro. LOVE AND MISS YOUALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! Your Missionary ROMAN DANIEL BRADY

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bocas Del Toro

Hey, I am in Bocas del toro. Which is an Island in the country of panama. We arrived yesterday after leaving the hotel Dunn Inn in San Jose at 5:30am to catch a bus at 6:00am at the bus terminal. It was a six hour bus ride from San Jose to Sixaola which is right on the Panimanium border. We then got the correct documentation to exit the country, including a call to the US Embassy because my bread new passport had no stamps in it. They then verified the day I came into the country as well as the previous passport number. Once we were allowed to cross the border in to Panama we crossed the half mile bridge that linked Sixaola and Panama. This bridge used to be used as a railway bridge and is now covered with spotty boards and half way falling down fences on the side. It was an experience. Once in Panama we grabbed a taxi, better yet a taxi grabbed us, and for ten dollars (per person) we got from the boarder to the Panga (small boat) that would take us to the Island of Bocas del Toro. In the taxi (van) ride we met three American guys and four German girls, and exchanged interesting conversation. One of the guys was a missionary in San Jose teaching music to youth, who was showing his friends who came to visit the country to which he had lived since last year. Then one to the boat dock we waited for an hour and then finally got to leave for Bocas. Once we got to Bocas del toro we found our hotel which was a God send. A little bit about this. Once we got to the hotel on Sunday for the Bible competition (see previous post) we looked up this tour company which we had previously thought about using. There price was $112 for each person. This included three days / two nights in Bocas. Stay at Costa Suites (not too bad, better than Breakwater Inn) for two nights, as well as breakfast both days and tours both days we are here. Today we woke up at 8:00am and ate breakfast and got ready for our first day of action. We left the dock at 9:35am (the guys from the bus ride and taxi ride also took this tour) and went out into the bay to watch / follow the dolphins. Then we moved onto this place where we got a chance to do some snorkeling for about an hour. There were Jelly fish as well as two sand sharks. We also saw angle fish that were almost two feet from fin to fin. Then we went to a restaurant only access able by boat where we hada fabulous lunch (Shrimp and Chicken.) We then went to Red Frog Beach where we got to chill by the ocean side and have a Coke and just take in the very ¡beautiful scenery. (Will post pictures later) Then from there we went to snorkel again but there were to many jellyfish for me to stay in the water to long. I did not want to take the chance of running into one. Once we were back to the Island we took showers and headed off to dinner, A Peruvian restaurant. Again I had chicken and Shrimp`...better there than I had at lunch. Now I'm here reading my Email and typing a blog. We are also hoping to visit the Smithsonian Science/Marine Biology Center here on the island. But for now, we are having a great time as well as meeting people from all over the world and chatting about where they are from and how their vacations are going as well as the topic of the US going stupid with this Bailout plan.....who knows. We will be back in Limon on Saturday and be able to write again then. Who knows maybe tomorrow as well. Love everyone and May the Love of Christ be with you ALL!!!!