Thursday, April 16, 2009

The front of Fuente de Vida Moravian Church
This is Elsa and her daughters Stacy, Stephany, Nisha, and Anglina.
That is her visiting friend there on the end.
Little Anglina will soon be my God Daughter..Exciting I know!!
Me being cool...."I like you necklas sir".."why thanks you I made it myself"
So you want to know how. I once went to a baptist church where they handout the pocket crosses and I thought what good is doing in my pocket. So I put it on my neck...and it has been there for about 4 years.
This is Kerry. I allowed Kerry to take a guitar home but somehow his "Homework" load is sometimes too large for him to havetime to practice.
Group of us standing at the pulpit.
Our communion cups at the beach. They are a bit big but they got the job done.
Me in my Phi Mu Alpha T-shirt and Watermelon on the Beach.
The children doing what we have all done as children. (or adults)
The kids chasing the waves.
This was funny. I went to take a picture of Ninfa and she put her hands up and then I said "awww" likeI had missed the photo and she started laughing because she thought I had only gotten a picture of her hands. Then I showed it to her and she almost fell out of the hamock she was laughing so hard.
The group of 20 on a panga (boat) heading out to Parismina. Unfortunatley we did not get to see the crocidiles that usually infest this canal. However I did see where they usually lay in the sun.
The picture of one of the Boats.
The Two hour drive on this most wonderfully bumpy road was the best part 
(can you hear the sarcasam....even though you are reading???)
This is COSTA RICA!!!!!
Every where you look. Bananas, Bananas, and get it.
2.2 million metric tons of bananas in 2005 alone.
Our little markets. These little markets are all over the side of the road 
pretty much everywhere in Central America.

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